a geophysical consulting company

Mustagh Resources :: Geophysical consulting & training

Mustagh Tower, Pakistan

The Mustagh Tower (23,862 ft) rises above the Baltoro Glacier in the Karakorum Himalaya, Pakistan

DirectAid - seismic survey design and analysis software

This software is used by Mustagh Resources in all our 2D-3D design surveys.

Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Including information on CSEG events and a list of links related to exploration geophysics.

Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Includes Geoarchive, an archive to include every article ever published in SEG's publication "Geophysics" and the Digital Cumulative Index of SEG, EAEG, ASEG, and CSEG publications from 1936 to present.


The Consortium for Research in Elastic Wave Exploration Seismology,
a research group focussing on multicomponent seismic data.


The Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors.

Mustagh Resources Ltd.
Norm Cooper, PGeoph, President
Email: ncooper@mustagh.com
Yajaira Herrera, MSc., Geophysicist
Email: yajaira@mustagh.com
Ph: +1 (403) 609-2256     Fx: +1 (403) 609-3877     Cell: +1 (403) 680-6676

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